Thursday, October 27, 2011

thank youu!

"나는 내 인생에서 실패하게 사람을 미워
그들이 나를 그들보다 더 완성도가 높다는 사람으로 성장했기 때문이죠하지만 난 그들을 감사"

sherly wijayanti

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

the project

hal yang gw lakukan belakangan ini setelahh gw selesai dengan UTS yang suram kemarinn hanylah NONTON RUNNING MAN dann ngedit foto pre wedding my beloved cousins!
yeahh! senang melihat mereka satu persatu melepas masa lajang dan akhirnya membuat komitmen untuk menikah.
well, there are a lot people who want to commitment with person who the love. and i really happy to see my family do it!

hey guys, don't forget about our 'happy hours' and our 'togetherness day' :D


it's like paradise..

BALI. yeah! an island where like paradise!
i love bali so much!


Friday, October 7, 2011